
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

In the spring of 1959, the Indian meditation teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi set off around the world to bring Transcendental Meditation (TM)  to those who were ready to learn. He was about to change the cultural history of the Western world.

Maharishi studied Physics at Allahabad University and received his Master’s degree in 1940. After finishing his academic studies, however, he decided to look for deeper meaning in life — he started rigorous yoga and meditation practice as a disciple of a highly revered yogi, Guru Dev.

After his teacher’s death, Maharishi began his first teaching tour in the Far East, then crossed the ocean in 1958 – taking the knowledge about Transcendental Meditation to the USA and Europe. He declared 1959 ’the year of global awakening’.

His message was clear and simple – “Mankind was not born to suffer, mankind was born to enjoy. The purpose of life is to expand happiness.“

Maharishi kept working tirelessly – touring the world, writing books, certifying over 40 000 meditation teachers, setting up TM Centres, schools and universities (the most famous of which is  Maharishi University of Management in the USA.

Transcendental Meditation®, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi® is available in New Zealand from TM for Women NZ, Registered NZ Educational Charity Number CC41429 & Maharishi Foundation Inc. New Zealand CC10445.

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