World Peace & Safe Communities

As on the inside, so on the outside

As grandmothers, mothers,  women and daughters  we instinctively value being part of a safe, loving community. We recognise the importance of peace in the home, workplace, community and family of nations.  Lack of peace due to the accumulation of stress we know is a precursor to conflict and injury.

We look on with sadness at war torn conflict and the cost of warring discord within our families, community and between nations. Instinctively we know that peace begins within and with us.  We know that how we are inside influences everyone and everything around us.  Finding a calm, peaceful inner space is important as we often help set the tone of the family.

TM gives us hope

Although people  learn Transcendental Meditation for personal reasons, every time a person dips into the stillness and silence within, research has shown they radiate a positive influence  of peace and harmony to those around and into their surroundings.  

This positive influence becomes more powerful when groups of people practice Transcendental Meditation together.

Research has shown a dramatic and immediate reduction in societal stress, crime, violence, and conflict – and an increase in coherence, positivity, and peace in society as a whole, as a positive side effect of a percentage of people within the society practising TM.

How does this happen?

In the video below Dr John Hagelin (world renowned physicist) and David Lynch (well known film director) talk about peace from the Quantum Level. They explain that everything is interconnected through unseen fundamental fields. When an event occurs in one place it has a ripple effect elsewhere in the field -”action at a distance”. Much like a drop falling into water creates waves spreading out in ripples in all directions.  Hear how Dr Hagelin explains what happens when a person practices Transcendental Meditation.

Amazing results  

More than 50 demonstration projects and 23 published studies  have shown that when groups of people meditate together they create an influence that neutralizes ethnic, political, and religious tensions in society that give rise to crime, violence, terrorism, and war.  

It has worked every time at the local, state, national, and international levels, resulting in highly significant drops in negative social trends and improvements in positive trends.

Sample Case Study

During the peak of the Lebanon war in 1983, a day by day study for two-months showed that on days when the number of participants (“TM Group Size,”) was high in Israel, war deaths in neighbouring Lebanon dropped by 76% (p < 10-7). In addition, crime, traffic accidents, fires, and other indicators of social stress in Israel (combined into a Composite Index) all correlated strongly with changes in the size of the peace-creating TM group.

Fig. 1 – Decreased war deaths in Lebanon

A critical experimental test of the peace-creating effect of large meditating groups was conducted during the peak of the Lebanon war. A day-by-day study of a two-month TM meditation assembly in Israel in 1983 showed that, on days when the number of participants (“TM Group Size,” right) was high, war deaths in neighboring Lebanon dropped by 76% (p < 10-7). In addition, crime, traffic accidents, fires, and other indicators of social stress in Israel (combined into a Composite Index) all correlated strongly with changes in the size of the peace-creating group. Other possible causes (weekends, holidays, weather, etc.) were statistically controlled for. Large groups of peace-creating experts, practising these technologies of consciousness together, dive deep within themselves to the most fundamental level of mind and matter, which physics calls the unified field. From that level of life they create a tidal wave of harmony and coherence that can permanently alter society for the better, as the research confirms. And this consciousness-based approach is holistic, easy to implement, non-invasive, and cost effective.

What happened?

As the large groups of meditators dived deep within themselves to the most fundamental level of mind and matter, which physics calls the unified field, they created a tidal wave of harmony and coherence that created an action at a distance  This action at a distance helped to reduce the fatality rate and positively reduced social stress too. Amazing as it may seem, it worked and was reliably repeatable.

And this consciousness-based approach to reducing collective stress and enhancing positive societal trends is holistic, easy to implement, non-invasive, and cost effective.

Scientific Research shows

  • Decreased crime
  • Decreased traffic accidents
  • Decreased hospital admissions
  • Decreased war deaths
  • Improved quality of life
  • Improved economics and social trends

To dive within to profound  inner stillness and thereby radiate peace and harmony to loved ones and into your community, learn Transcendental Meditation. Take the first step here – Meet a Teacher.

Read more at Women Empower Women Part II Scientific Evidence: Women Practicing TM Together Help Create a Better World

Transcendental Meditation®, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi® is available in New Zealand from TM for Women NZ, Registered NZ Educational Charity Number CC41429 & Maharishi Foundation Inc. New Zealand CC10445.

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